So upon finding myself divested of babysitting duty today, I decided to be true to my student nature and arrange to spend the day arsing around town having coffee with various friends. To this end, I had to make use of the public transport disservice. So off I trotted to the no. 2 stop. Now, perhaps I am peculiar in this. God knows, it can be a fitting adjective for me at times. But I always find myself amazed by the things that run through my mind on the bus. They range from the downright banal to the positively epiphanous. Today I found myself gazing around, as usual. Catching the eye of fellow passengers, but being super careful not too keep eye contact too long, as that just doesn't seem to be the done thing, you know. Having spent around three seconds wondering why the grey haired elderly gent to my left could possibly look so grim, my eyes wandered absently towards the back. Sitting a few seats from the back, I noticed this little girl sitting with her father. She was pointing at a dog out the window and smiling back at daddy with that amazing joy that only children can seem to muster. I expect it's due to them yet being tainted by the cynicism the rest of us need for survival in the world. Anyway, the girl and her father were talking about the doggy, and laughing and smiling away whilst giving each other a cuddle. The thought in my head was "Nyaww,cute". I'm not really a kid person at all. But it was touching and sweet, and made me smile.
So you probably think that's the point of this post, relaying a sweet moment I observed on a busy day. Well no I'm afraid, not quite. Having observed the nice Hallmark moment for a few seconds, I glanced off to the other side of the bus. There were two, er, gentlemen (I use the term extremely loosely) sitting behind daddy and little girl, looking over and glaring at them. They were talking to each other and it was clear they were talking about the pair on the other side of the bus. And they were not pleased by their presence at all. "Why on earth would they be bothered by an adorable little girl and her dad having fun?!" you ask.
Quite simple, dear reader. Daddy and the little girl were black. As I looked from one to the other, I thought back to yesterday, when during a general conversation on politics a friend sent me a link to the Irish section of the "white nationalist", neo Nazi website, Stormfront (he was appalled by its existence, by the way, not endorsing it!). I had been to the website once before, after an image search for some celebrity had bizarrely led me there. Being curious as to whether it was actually as bad as was reported, I had a look around. And I found it was every bit as bad, and worse. Oh, there were no forum posts arranging mobs to go attacking blacks and Jews. That's only available to registered users. The site's owner,(who is formed head of the KKK. Need I say more?) is keen on making "white nationalism" appeal to the mainstream. Having read several "logical" arguments about why whites are superior to, oh, everybody, I inevitably came across the typical "f***k off back to the jungle you monkey" imbecile, who couldn't quite keep himself from spewing his vile, blind hatred for the sake of keeping a veneer of respectability.
Because some of them do. They almost sound as if they are having a sound, reasonable debate, and may even have a modicum of sense. They almost sound respectful of their opponents. Kind of like "well I totally respect you, Mr black/Jewish man, but see, I just think we're a bit different and shouldn't mix, is all". Think it's impossible? Not really. Hitler was probably one of the best orators of the 20th century. It's not about speaking truthfully. It's about speaking convincingly. To quote one of my favourite Shakespeare plays, "the devil can cite scripture for his purpose." And that's why we have to be careful, and remember to think for ourselves; use our own minds. That's why people like Mr. imbecile are so handy. They are to anti racists what Fred Phelps is to gay rights campaigners: invaluable, because they show these scumbags for what they really are. Ignorant, disgusting bigots. No amount of charismatic verbosity should disguise that. The two cretins sitting glaring, pointing and laughing at an innocent child and her father are further evolved and genetically superior, are they? Looking at daddy and the little girl, I thought back to the same Shakespeare play. "Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands,organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same
food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases,
heal'd by the same means, warm'd and cool'd by the same winter
and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If
you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die?" Replace Jew and Christian with black and white, and think about it.
About Me

- Cleo
- I'm a 23 year old student from Cork, who quite enjoys having the odd rant/informed discussion about things.
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I also came across Stormfront the other day, and my only reaction was an immediate urge to wash my hands and face and gargle with listerine - just to make sure that there are no traces of what is written there anywhere near me :(
I know. I don't think Listerine would do it; I'd say we'd have to brave the Dettol! ;)
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